عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 2009-02-02, 05:33 PM
@بحر العرب@ @بحر العرب@ غير متواجد حالياً
عـضـو فـعـال
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2008
الدولة: ظفار الطبيعة
المشاركات: 210
جنس العضو: ذكر
@بحر العرب@ is on a distinguished road

أخبار البرد تتوالى من اوربا خاصة الجزر البريطانية وشمال غرب اوربا

Cold weather continues its grip on the UK by Alex Deakin

The cold weather looks set to tighten its grip on the UK over the next few days, with freezing temperatures and heavy snow expected across much of the UK. The first snow fall is expected across eastern parts of the UK on Sunday afternoon, spreading across much of the UK through Sunday night and Monday. The Met Office has issued an early warning for heavy snow covering much of England and Wales from Sunday night until Tuesday.

Travel networks are bracing themselves for severe disruption on Monday morning, especially in London and the south east where up to 25cm (9.8nches) is forecast. Elsewhere up to 20cm (8 inches) is expected at higher levels, with 5-10cm (2-4 inches) in low lying areas.

The cold weather is due to an area of high pressure which is centred over Scandinavia. It is expected to remain in its current position over the next few days, dragging in very cold continental air from western Russia. This air then travels over the North Sea towards the UK, gaining moisture which falls as snow.

So far this winter has been the coldest for over a decade across the UK since the winter of 1996/7. The lowest ever temperature in the UK was on the 30th December 1995 in the Scottish Highland village of Altnaharra, where 27.2C (-17F) was recorded.

Forecasters at the Met Office expect the cold weather to continue, with further snow and sleet.

ملخص التقرير :

هطولات من الثلج الغزير تعم بريطانيا مع احتمال وصول مناسيب الثلج المتساقط 25 سم في بعض ارجاء المملكه المتحده وسبب موجه البرد وجود نطاق من الضغط العالي على دول اسكندافيا (النرويج والسويد) ...
وقد فاق برد شتاء هذا الموسم شتاء 1996 , وادنى درجه حرارة سجلت في بريطانيا في الوقت الحاضر كان في 30 ديسمبر 1995 في اسكوتلاندا في الجبال حيث سجل اقل من -27 تحت الصفر ....

والمكتب البريطاني للارصاد Met Office يتوقع استمرار موجه البرد وتساقط الثلوج..

رابط الخبر https://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/world/n...2009news.shtml