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قديم 2014-01-05, 12:14 AM
الصورة الرمزية عايد
عايد عايد غير متواجد حالياً
عضو متميـز
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2011
الدولة: الريــــــــــاض
المشاركات: 4,630
جنس العضو: ذكر
عايد is on a distinguished road
افتراضي إلى اخي واستاذي ابو سلطان Pictures: Glowing Blue Waves Explained

Pictures: Glowing Blue Waves Explained
  • Sea of Stars

    Photograph by Doug Perrine, Alamy
    Pinpricks of light on the shore seem to mirror stars above in an undated picture taken on Vaadhoo Island in the Maldives.
    The biological light, or bioluminescence, in the waves is the product of marine microbes called phytoplankton—and now scientists think they know how some of these life-forms create their brilliant blue glow.
    Various species of phytoplankton are known to bioluminesce, and their lights can be seen in oceans all around the world, said marine biologist and bioluminescence expert Woodland Hastings of Harvard University. (Also see "Glowing Sea Beasts: Photos Shed Light on Bioluminescence.")
    "I've been across the Atlantic and Pacific, and I've never seen a spot that wasn't bioluminescent or a night that [bioluminescence] couldn't be seen," Hastings said.
    The most common type of marine bioluminescence is generated by phytoplankton known as dinoflagellates. A recent study co-authored by Hastings has for the first time identified a special channel in the dinoflagellate cell membrane that responds to electrical signals—offering a potential mechanism for how the algae create their unique illumination.
    —Ker Than
    Published March 19, 2012
  • Lights on the Water

    Photograph by Mike Blake, Reuters
    Bioluminescent phytoplankton light up rolling surf during a so-called red tide event along the coast of Leucadia, California, in September 2011. Red tides—often rusty-hued in daylight—can occur all over the world and are caused by large-scale algae blooms.
    Some red tides, like the one shown here, contain phytoplankton that emit bursts of light when agitated.
    In the recent study, published last October in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the team confirmed the existence of channels in dinoflagellates that allow only protons—positively charged particles—to pass through. (Related: "Proton Smaller Than Thought—May Rewrite Laws of Physics.")
    "The newly discovered channel had just the right properties needed to trigger the flash," said study co-author Thomas DeCoursey, an electrophysiologist at Rush University in Chicago. "If you replaced the dinoflagellate channel with the [corresponding cell] channel from humans or mice or snails, it could not do the job."
    The study authors propose that, as dinoflagellates float, movement in the surrounding water sends electrical impulses around a proton-filled compartment inside the microorganisms.
    The electrical pulses open the voltage-sensitive proton channels, triggering a series of chemical reactions, which ultimately activate a protein called luciferase that produces the neon blue light.
    Published March 19, 2012
  • Landing Strip

    Photograph courtesy James R. Evans, U.S. Navy
    A sailor stands watch on the back of the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Carl Vinson as bioluminescent microorganisms illuminate the surrounding water.
    The glowing blue water is easily visible from the air—something pilots use to their advantage, Harvard's Hastings said.
    Aircraft carrier-based jet pilots "often follow the trail of luminescence left in the wake of their ship to find their way back after a night mission," he said. (Related: "As Jet Fuel Prices Soar, a Green Option Nears the Runway.")
    Published March 19, 2012
  • Sparkling Sands

    Photograph by Russ Taylor
    Sand along a beach in the Florida Everglades glows with a soft blue light emitted by countless microscopic phytoplankton washed ashore.
    Similar phytoplankton are found in lakes, but they aren't bioluminescent. "That's one of the enigmas about bioluminescence: Why has it never evolved in fresh water?" Hastings said.
    (Also see "Large, 'Glamorous' New Glowing Squid Species Found.")
    Published March 19, 2012
  • Red (and Blue) Tide

    Photograph by Mike Blake, Reuters
    Bioluminescent phytoplankton give the incoming surf an electric blue glow along a beach in Leucadia, California, in September 2011.
    Some dinoflagellates can produce toxins that are harmful to fish, humans, and other creatures. Scientists think bioluminescence may also be a form of defense for the life-forms.
    Much like a rattlesnake's tail, the light could act as "a signal that alerts a predator that it might be a bad idea to eat this prey," Hastings said. (Also see "Coral Algae Have 'Eyes,' Study Says.")
    According to another idea, called the "burglar alarm" theory, bioluminescent phytoplankton use their light to hopefully attract the attention of secondary predators, which might attack any creature trying to consume the marine microbes.
    Published March 19, 2012
  • From Sea to Shining Sea

    Photograph from Travelart/Alamy
    Bioluminescent phytoplankton glitter on the incoming tide along an island beach in the Maldives.
    Dinoflagellates—the subjects of the recent study—are single-celled organisms, "but some of them are big enough that you can actually see them with the naked eye," Rush University's DeCoursey said.
    (Related: "Giant 'Amoebas' Found in Deepest Place on Earth.")
    Published March 19, 2012
  • Luminous Tendrils

    Photograph by Adam Plezer, Your Shot
    Glowing phytoplankton create clusters and filaments of light as they wash ashore in an undated photograph taken from the Lakshadweep Islands off India.
    Harvard's Hastings, who has spent his life studying marine bioluminescence, encourages people to go out to a beach at night to witness the living light show for themselves. Pictures, he says, can't truly capture the experience.
    For instance, photos tend to blur the points of light together, he said. But "it's very much a phenomenon caused by individual cells."

قديم 2014-01-05, 01:51 PM
الصورة الرمزية تميم بن محمد
تميم بن محمد تميم بن محمد غير متواجد حالياً
عـضـو ذهـبـي
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2009
الدولة: الرياض جعلها السيل
المشاركات: 1,862
جنس العضو: ذكر
تميم بن محمد is on a distinguished road

ياليت ترجمة الموضوع ليستفيد منه الجميع<< على باله فاهم شي

قديم 2014-01-05, 04:12 PM
الصورة الرمزية ابو سلطان العتيبي
ابو سلطان العتيبي ابو سلطان العتيبي غير متواجد حالياً
نائب رئيس مجلس الإدارة
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2011
الدولة: فوق هام السحب
المشاركات: 7,070
جنس العضو: ذكر
ابو سلطان العتيبي will become famous soon enough

ملخص الموضوع ان سبب هذا التوهج
لموضوع اخي عايد والذي طرحه قبل مدة
"الشواطئ الزرقاء المتوهجة: ظاهرة طبيعية مدهشة تجعل الشواطئ تتلألأ كالنجوم! "

انه بسبب وجود طحالب او كائنات حية او عوالق نباتية
وهي التي تسبب هذا التلألئ او التوهج كما بين ذلك العلماء
مستشهد باراء الكثير منهم وكذلك من الذين اخذوا صور
لبعض المناطق مثل جزيرة فادهو في المالديف و ساحل
Leucadia في كاليفونيا وشاطئ فلوريدا وغيره

مشكور اخي عايد على التوضيح
وبيض الله وجهك



قديم 2014-01-05, 04:22 PM
الصورة الرمزية الوااا(بالله)اااثق
الوااا(بالله)اااثق الوااا(بالله)اااثق غير متواجد حالياً
مراقب عام
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2008
الدولة: محافظة الدلم
المشاركات: 8,082
جنس العضو: ذكر
الوااا(بالله)اااثق is on a distinguished road

سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم

ولله في خلقه شؤون

بارك الله فيك

أخي الحبيب

لا هنت

وما من كاتب الا سيفنى ويبقي الدهر ما كتبت يداه فلا تكتب بخطك غير شيء يسرك يوم القيامة ان تراه
قديم 2014-01-07, 11:42 AM
الصورة الرمزية عايد
عايد عايد غير متواجد حالياً
عضو متميـز
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2011
الدولة: الريــــــــــاض
المشاركات: 4,630
جنس العضو: ذكر
عايد is on a distinguished road

اخي الكريم تميم بن محمد
سؤالك رد عليه أخي واستاذي ابو سلطان فقد كفا ووفى
اشكرك اخي تميم جزيل الشكر على متابعتك الدائمه في جميع الاقسام .. لاعدمنا تواجدك
تقبل مني كل الود والاحترام لكَ استاذي

قديم 2014-01-07, 11:47 AM
الصورة الرمزية عايد
عايد عايد غير متواجد حالياً
عضو متميـز
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2011
الدولة: الريــــــــــاض
المشاركات: 4,630
جنس العضو: ذكر
عايد is on a distinguished road

مشرفنا واستاذنا الكبير محمد بن غيث (الواثق بالله) ابو عبد العزيز
الله لا يهينك .. جزيل الشكر والتقدير على هذا المرور والمتابعه الكريمه من قِبلكم .. لاعدمناكم سيدي
تقبلوا منا خــالص الووووود والاحترام لشخصكم الكريم

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